Network Partner

Erica has national and international experience in initiatives and projects of impact and in the construction and strategic planning and communication for sustainability in several areas of the economy in the private sector of Brazil and Latin America and for local governments in Europe. During her career, she became a Brazilian delegate to UN forums, coordinated events and projects, assisted processes of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, GRI, B Corp, and Agenda 2030 of the largest public-private bank in Brazil. She also works as a social entrepreneur for non-profit organizations with a focus on social innovation, sustainability and zero waste, connecting people and companies to create and co-create socio-environmental projects.

Érica is a geographer graduated from Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, specialist in Sustainability Management and Corporate Responsibility from Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP and graduated in Communities and Local Development from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD Italy and EAFIT University – Colombia. She lives in Portugal and works in three main areas of sustainability: consulting, education, and events.

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